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Partnership Announcement

FrauBlau and MooVert – together we take care of water as our most precious resource.

A focus on the most important element of the climate crisis, WATER, helps us to better understand the big picture and to take action immediately.

Each of us can be an active water protector at any time.

For MooVert, with its growing range of private, authentic and sustainable accommodation options across France, the support of local partners is particularly important.

To make an active contribution to sustainability in and around our establishments, we would like to invite all guests to take water protection seriously and to accept the information and offers given by us or our hosts.

We all can no longer afford to use water thoughtlessly.

Water is becoming scarce everywhere; groundwater levels are falling. Whole regions suffer from droughts – yearlong. Improper water management leads to the loss of precious drinking water and to floodings that costs lives and livelihoods. Pollution of water leads to uncontrollable chemical chain reactions.

Together with our hosts and guests, we want to raise awareness for the respectful use of water and to support local initiatives to improve water conditions.

Don’t forget: Water is Life and access to fresh and clean drinking water is a human right!

No climate protection without sufficient water – our sustainable use therefore is the key to nature, peace, equality, fairness in society.

The World Water Day today, on 3/22/23 is a good time to start. Join us!

Moovert – Vivre une nouvelle expérience touristique, authentique & responsable — Réservez votre prochain séjour dans un cadre naturel et découvrez le patrimoine culturel et gastronomique de nos plus belles régions de France

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