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NEW BOOK RELEASE for IMEX Frankfurt 2022 by Dr. Patrick Patridge

ecomice for a Better World“ 

MICE industry expert and ecomice* ambassador, Dr. Patrick Patridge’s new book, ecomice for a Better World“, has just been published and is available in Paperback and in Kindle formats from amazon stores online and worldwide, e.g. from amazon.com:

ecomice for a Better World“ serves as excellent preparatory reading for MICE eventprofs before, during, and after IMEX Frankfurt 2022.

Patrick works in close association with tmf dialogue, Johanna Fischer, to support the ecomice initiative and to accelerate sustainability development for a better world.



In his last book, „INCENTIVE TRAVEL for a New World“ (2021), Patridge discussed the significance of CSR, Sustainability, Environment Protection, and Biodiversity Conservation as they apply to future models of Incentive Travel.

ecomice for a Better World“ broadens the subject to incorporate the MICE sector as a whole, i.e. Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Business Events.

It presents hands-on solutions to sustainably market and promote MICE destinations; to organise business, scientific & association events; and to deliver memorable meetings & incentive trips.

ecomice“, i.e. sustainable and responsible planning, trip design, and event delivery, can assist in this holistic process because it employs sustainable strategies and responsible solutions to educate, inform, engage & motivate MICE planners, participants and stakeholders.

ecomice for a Better World“ is a concise and timely book for all event planners, CVBs, DMOs, DMCs, PCOs; corporate and association decision-makers; educators, government policy makers, and MICE industry stakeholders.

Chapters Include:

Preface by Johanna Fischer, Initiator of ecomice
Quo Vadis?
Corporate Social Responsibility
The Business Case
CSR Guidelines
Sustainable Events
HiveShare and HoneyBees
Botanic Gardens
Language and Images
Millennials and Generation Y
MICEscripts for Millennials
Dietary Requirements
Digital Detox
Slowing Down
Fam Trips
Guides, Drivers & Service Personnel
Why You?
Tips for Destinations
Concluding Remarks
United Nations SDGs

* “ecomice” is an initiative of Johanna Fischer & a brand of tmf dialogue marketing

The book is illustrated with original photographs from the author. For orders, go to



Dr. Patrick Patridge, born in Dublin, Ireland, has been living and working since 1988 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, arriving there one year to the day before the ‘Fall of the Berlin Wall’. Patrick is a Tourism Marketing & MICE Business Consultant, Published Author, Geographer, Historian, Public Speaker, SITE Member, and a member of the German Castles Association.