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In less than 2 weeks, from 10-11 February 2016, CONVENE takes place at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO in Vilnius, Lithuania.

You are an exhibitor, hosted buyer or visitor? Then you shouldn’t miss CONVENE’s education programme. Experts from the meetings industry like our managing director Johanna Fischer, Rob Davidson, James Latham and Martin Lewis will share insights on how effective marketing drives the success of meetings, destinations and overall business performance. There will be many other interesting sessions. Hugo Slimbrouck for example will talk about travel and incentive trends and Siobhan Fitzpatrick will speak about the importance of coaching and effective management.

To learn more about the education programm, click here.

Your contact at CONVENE:
Jolanta Beniulienė
Vilnius Convention Bureau Director
Exhibition Director

Lina Šipelytė Valytė
Project Manager
tel. +370 687 17719

Your contact at tmf dialogue marketing:
Ulrike Kiesel
Project Manger Content & PR
tel. +49 931 9002 114