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Source: Gulf Times, Daily Newspaper Doha, Qatar

In an interview with Gulf Times, Karishma Hundalani, Managing Director tmf dialogue India, is explaining why Qatar is an interesting destination for Indian planners. Qatar’s easy connectivity to various destinations globally, hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup and being perceived as “a culturally and historically strong” destination are main reasons why the country is attractive for Indian MICE planners.

Karishma Hundalani: “Based on the research we conducted for QTA, some of the positive perceptions include easy connectivity and favourability towards Qatar Airways because of the connectivity to other destinations and competitive pricing (related to this is the positive perception of Hamad International Airport stated by some as the best in the world).” The national carrier is offering direct flights from 13 Indian key cities to Doha (among them  Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Goa and New Delhi). Plus, Indian citizens are among those who can enter Qatar visa-free.

She further noted that the FIFA World Cup taking place in Qatar in 2022 also has a positive impact: “The 2022 FIFA World Cup has created some amount of positive association with the destination and a perception that it is world-class.”

Read the complete interview on www.gulf-times.com following this link.