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Why should you consider New Zealand as a viable option for your next event? Well, let’s put aside the fact that it offers world class venues, facilities, accommodation, catering and connectivity, because frankly, most of the top destinations in the world do. We will take that for granted.

What sets this island country apart is its natural and cultural heritage. In New Zealand you get breathtaking landscapes and scenery alongside a unique New Zealand culture that welcomes you with open arms. It is the combination of these two elements that creates a truly magical experience “beyond convention”.

To inspire the world to come to New Zealand and experience its beauty, TNZ is actually bringing New Zealand to the world at IMEX. Planners are invited to come and experience “Korero and Kai” – a local concept of “Meeting and Eating together” as a fundamental principle of hosting guests in New Zealand. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity.

Salient features of New Zealand as a MICE destination:

  • ‘Hospitality’ of New Zealand (Manaakitanga)
  • Unique culture
  • World class services and transport
  • Experience beyond convention

Tourism New Zealand is exhibiting at IMEX 2018 being held in Frankfurt from 15-17th May 2018. You can check out all that this country has to offer and can also book a personal appointment for detailed information and discussion for your next event planning. You can access their stand (C300) details and make an appointment here.

For further details, you can also contact…

at Tourism New Zealand:
Leonie Ashford
Business Events Bid Manager
tel. + 64 446 28 018

at tmf:
Ulrike Kiesel
Head of Content & PR
Tel. +49 931 9002 114