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Connect and do business with IMEX Introductions

IMEX PRESS RELEASE – Published 14th May 2020

Business event professionals can do business, network and find out the latest industry news – all on a desert island. Sounds too good to be true? Not when you’re on PlanetIMEX!

Networking Island, the third island on PlanetIMEX, goes live today and is the virtual hub of the business events community – the place to connect, network and keep up with the latest industry news.

A core element of Networking Island is IMEX Introductions, which also launches today. Planners and suppliers can register – for free – to be part of IMEX Introductions which gives them access to a wide industry network with which to do business.

This new offering is a virtual extension of IMEX’s live in-person appointment system which forms the bedrock of the shows and has already seen over 1,000 people register.  Networking Island explorers are advised to head for the Introductions Lodge to sign up. They can rest assured the island’s wildlife – this time a roadrunner – is both friendly and static.

SITE’s Got Talent and isn’t afraid to show it

The launch of Networking Island today is rounded off with a fresh take on SITE Nite Europe. This free celebration enables incentive professionals to catch up with SITE friends, build new connections and take to the virtual stage for the new SITE’s Got Talent. Expect entertainment and fun from across the incentive industry, whether it’s magicians, ventriloquists, musicians, comedians, dancers or singers, all under the tagline – Site’s Got Talent….and we’re not afraid to show it!

Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group and President of the Site Foundation, explains:

“Building business connections and supporting the community are core IMEX values which are brought to life perfectly in our new Networking Island on PlanetIMEX.

“We’re inviting planners and suppliers from across the globe to join those already registered for IMEX Introductions and have some really valuable business conversations. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial that our industry comes together – to do business, to reconnect with friends and have fun.

With that in mind, we are delighted to round off the day with Site’s Got Talent – a fantastic way to bring the community together at the same time as raising funds for the Site Foundation to benefit the incentive travel community.”

‘Watercooler conversations’ coming soon

The hive of activity on Networking Island continues with Brella, offering informal person-to-person networking. Registration is now live for Brella which is open to all and offers a virtual opportunity to enjoy casual, creative or more formal business conversations on a one-to-one basis. Think of it as a series of virtual ‘watercooler’ moments! More details will follow soon.

Networking Island is now open to explorers! Visit PlanetIMEX.

How to register for IMEX Introductions is clearly signposted and explained at Networking Island’s Introductions Lodge. 

For further information about SITE Nite Europe and to register for free to join the celebrations click here.



Notes to editors 

Find our latest releases, blogs and photo gallery at www.imexexhibitions.com/media-room

For further press information, please contact:
Emma Blake: emma.blake@imexexhibitions.com or Chris Lewis: chris.lewis@imexexhibitions.com or marketing@imexexhibitions.com