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From September 12-14, the European Adhesive and Sealant Conference & Expo takes place in the Radisson Blue Latvija in Riga. More than 600 delegates from 35 countries will attend the event. This proves once again Riga’s capabilities in terms of holding conferences and congresses.

Each year, FEICA attracts record numbers of industry leaders to its annual Conference to discuss market drivers and trends, innovation, sustainability and technological advancements. The FEICA Conference and EXPO is firmly established as the premier event for Europe’s adhesive and sealant industry, providing essential insights into the key issues affecting the industry, as well as outstanding networking opportunities for formulators, customers and raw materials suppliers to discuss the latest trends and wider business environment. This year’s Conference will focus on the impact on our industry of the rapid and far-reaching changes resulting from the emerging “digital age”.

More about the conference on www.feica-conferences.com.

More interesting stories about Riga on tmf newsroom: www.tmf-dialogue.net/category/clients/meet-riga