In the course of the famtrip to the Faroe Islands (2-5 June) we flew with Atlantic Airways from Copenhagen to Vágar Airport (Faroe Islands Airport). As I’ve already mentioned in one of my previous articles, the Faroe Islands have an own airline (which is not self-evident if you consider that the Islands only have 49.000 inhabitants). It was a very comfortable flight and we all agreed after the trip: check-in, service on board as well as the flights themselves were excellent. There was nothing to complain about.
Nancy Justinussen, Sales- & Marketing Executive of the airline, was accompanying us during the first two days. Of course, I took this opportunity to talk to her about the airline and her work.
1. Can you please tell me a bit about Atlantic Airways?
We have 3 planes and fly to a variety of destinations. Most of them are Northern countries like Denmark (Copenhagen), Island (Reykjavík) and Norway (Trondheim). But in our flight schedule we also have Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and some other South European cities. Additionally, we offer charter flights to other destinations as well as flights within Europe. The Dutch football national team for example chose us to fly them around Europe.

Next to the Dutch team we also had several famous passengers on board: one of them was Bill Clinton (after his presidency). He flew with us to the Faroe Islands to attend a conference. There, he stayed at Hotel Føroyar; the room he was sleeping in is now called the Clinton Suite 🙂
2. What is special about your airline?
We only have around 150 employees, so it’s like a small family. Everybody knows each other. We have a very friendly staff and greet every passenger with the sentence “Welcome home”. Our pilots are specially trained: as Vágar Airport has a very short runway (only 1799 meters) it’s not that easy to land here. Not every pilot is able to do it.
Moreover, we are very flexible as we can fly you to every destination you want us to. We offer a special concept: at the check-in counter f.ex. you can put your logo and we can distribute questionnaires during the flight. These are small things that make a flight with us special. Really worth mentioning, our regularity is high, we can say that we have a 97 percent rate of punctuality.
3. How does your cooperation with Visit Faroe Islands look like?
Our relationship is very good, we work together closely. We follow the same target: to give the best solution to the client. If Annleyg calls, we check the flight schedule and prices right away. All of us try to make your stay in the Faroe Islands very special. We give 150 % each time.
4. What about yourself?
I grew up in the Faroe Islands and after school I went abroad like many Faroe young people. 2001 I started studying in Denmark. On the weekends and during summer vacation I already worked at Atlantic Airways. In 2004 I started full time and two years later I became part of the Sales & Marketing department. I’m taking care of the Scandinavian market but in the MICE sector I’m responsible for the whole world.
At the moment, I live in Copenhagen but almost every week, I’m in the Faroe Islands for a couple of days. Denmark and the Faroe Islands – these are two complete different worlds. In Denmark there is a lot of noise, everybody is busy and stressed. In the Faroe Islands it is more peaceful. I love both.
Thank you Nancy for the interview and for the great accompanyment during the famtrip!
Your contact at Atlantic Airways:
Nancy Justinussen
Sales & Marketing Executive
tel. +45 33381344
Your contact at Visit Faroe Islands:
Annleyg Lamhauge
MICE Marketing Manager
Phone: +298 556136
Your contact at tmf dialogue marketing:
Ulrike Kiesel
Project Manager Content & PR
tel. +49 (0)931 9002 114